Airplane Personality Module

Stock 223587-1

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PMA Details 223587-1

Part Number: 2232587-1
Part Name: Airplane Personality Module
Replaced Part Number: 223587-1
Approval basis: Identicality per 14 CFR §21.303 licensing agreement between Teledyne Controls and Canard Aerospace Corp. STC No. ST01908CH DWG. No. 40120 Rev. D Date 01/14/04 or later FAA-approved revisions
Models: Boeing (747-100 Series, 747-100 B Series, 747-100 SUD Series, 747-200B Series, 747-200C Series, 747-200F Series, 747-300 Series, 747-SP Series, 747-SR Series)

Holder number: PQ0419NM
Address: 501 CONTINENTAL BLVD EL SEGUNDO CA (United States)
Office: Los Angeles FAA Office Tel: (562) 627-5290

Certificat: FAA